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Dead man wakes up: Starts breathing during funeral

Dead man wakes up: Starts breathing during funeral

A 24-year-old man who was declared dead by the doctors after a root canal operation woke up during his funeral. The grieving family were left stunned when they discovered that he is breathing just before he was put in a coffin.

Doctors at the Contingency Hospital of Tingo Maria in Peru declared Watson Franklin Mandujano Doroteo dead after suffering a fever following the dental surgery.

The terrified relatives called the doctors who confirmed that Doroteo was showing vital signs of life reported Argentine newspaper, Los Andes. He was then taken out of the coffin and was rushed to the hospital.

Doroteo went in for the treatment in Aguaytia on October 21 but was taken to the hospital in Tingo Maria after suffering fever and chills after the surgery and is thought to have been given a sedative.

His family claim that maybe he has been alive all along and just sedated from drugs following the operation. One relative claimed: “They gave him diazepam.”

However, it is not known whether the police are investigating on whether it was the doctors’ negligence or not. Also, it is also not known whether the family will be taking action against the doctors. A new study recently revealed that when people die, their brain gets to know that they are dead.

The research was done by New York University Langone School of Medicine. They investigated what happens after life through twin studies in Europe and the US of people who suffered from cardiac arrest and ‘came back’ to life.

Study author Dr Sam Parnia told Live Science: “They’ll describe watching doctors and nurses working and they’ll describe having awareness of full conversations, of visual things that were going on, that would otherwise not be known to them.”


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