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Foreign Service Attaches Visits Forward Areas of Eastern Army Command


New Delhi: Foreign Service Attache tour is conducted biennially for the Foreign service attaches of friendly foreign countries posted in respective Embassy in New Delhi, to familiarise them with the three arms of Indian Armed Forces with two days legs dedicated to Army, Navy and Air Force. This year the tour was conducted from 24 to 29 November 2019 in Eastern part of India encompassing visits to Vizag in Naval leg, Tezpur in Air Force leg and finally to Dinjan and Along in Army leg. As part of Army leg the delegation comprising of 29 officers from 26 nations visited the DAO DIVISION on       28 November 19.

       The delegation on arrival was received and briefed by the General officer commanding DAO DIVISION which was followed by a visit to War Memorial and heritage musuem. The delegation also got an insight into the cultural diversity and terrain of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. A cultural program highlighting the cultural diversity of Assam was also organised for the delegation.

         The foreign officers appreciated the rich history, culture and biodiversity of India and applauded the Indian Army efforts in maintaining the same.

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